Mikala Albertson MD

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Most of My Life is Ordinary

We’re told by the messaging of the world that life happens somewhere ‘out there.’

In bigger homes. Or better cars. On fancier vacations.

We are inundated with messaging everywhere we turn that life should be bright and shiny and…PERFECT. And if ours doesn’t look that way, there are a million posts and articles and How To books and Pinterest pins about how do better. How to be smarter or thinner or shinier or healthier or more successful.

Plus, it should all be EASY!! ‘Simple’ is in the tagline of every single article these days, isn’t it??? Over and over, we’re sold this belief that there is an answer to attaining it ALL!

But I’ve noticed most of my life is ordinary (and pretty messy and hard).

I spend my days getting kids up and ready for the day. Cleaning up breakfast dishes. Playing Barbies with my daughter or reading books with her on my lap. Running to the grocery store ten times a week. Looking up for every “Mom, watch this!” Rushing my kids around to basketball games and soccer practices. Listening to and praying for loved ones going through a rough season. Attempting to keep up on the mountain of laundry constantly forming upstairs.

None of it feels shiny! And it certainly isn’t perfect, but it IS beautiful.

Life happens in the ordinary, mostly.

And I don’t want to miss a single moment striving for ‘perfect.’