Mikala Albertson MD

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Where Did the Time Go?

Where did the time go???

That’s what I’m supposed to say, but it’s not what I’m thinking as you begin kindergarten.

Because I know, sweetheart. I know exactly where the time went—this time at home with you. The two of us. Together.

It went to thousands of loops walking or riding bikes around the trail behind our house.

It went to countless mornings at the park pushing you on the swings.

Our time together went to reading hundreds of picture books aloud and later teaching you to squish the letter sounds together until eventually you were reading to me.

It went to spotting all the yellow cars and hollering “Bingo!!” or belting out our favorite song while driving along in the car.

It went to hundreds of trips to the grocery store with you proudly pushing your own little cart by my side.

Our time together went to teaching you to roller skate on your sparkly skates or snuggling up for picnics on the living room floor in front of cartoons. And that wonderful, unforgettable feeling of a tiny shadow following me EVERYWHERE I went.

It went to mixing up batches of chocolate chip cookies.

It went to trips to the zoo or the library or the pumpkin patch and endless afternoons with play-doh at the kitchen table.

Our time together went to thousands of hands of Uno or games of Candyland and approximately one million hours playing Barbies or Littlest Pet Shop or babies beside you on the floor.

Day after day. Week after week. Year after year.

Always together.

I know I’ll probably always wish for just a little more time with you, but mostly I’m grateful for the time we had.

The two of us. Together.